The Big Wheel

Thursday, July 06, 2006

A Weird or 2

Ok, I have been a bit slack. I have been word tagged by both Suavy (Q) and Doll (R). So I've decided to kill 2 birds with one stone. I have choosen words that contain both Q & R. Might as well have fun with it.

Qualifer -The criteria I use when identifying a prospective female specimen for fornication
Quart -The appropritate size serving of drink I consume while surveying the the target area
Quarry -The woman I decide will be the object of my attention
Queer -That strange retrosexual individual who inevitably is hangingout with the target and whom I need to dispose of before I can lavish my attention on the choosen victim
Quaver - That seductive musical note and sound, the hint of which is manifest in her voice when you suggest a change in location
Quiver - That light tremble I feel running through her thigh while lightly stroking the back of her knee, ever so slowly inching north
Quagmire - The sudden feeling of indecision and helplessness when I realise that the 6 pack of condoms I'm carrying may not be enough
Quicker - The cry from her lips as she enters the euphoric state where erogenis receptors are overloaded with sensation
Quaker - This woman lying next to me who is still overpowered by post-coital tremors an hour after the initial penetration
Quadriplegic - That woman lying is my bed when I left for the office.Don't know why she could not speak or move, but see did seem a bit tired. Oh well

OK , I tag Cuddle & Monster - to be different give us words starting with n that are hypenated.


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