New Anti Crime iPOD coming - iJack !!!
iPod Stops AK-47 Round, Saves Soldier in Iraq
Kevin Garrad, a soldier serving in Iraq with the American 3rd Infantry Division, owes his life to his iPod after the the device stopped a round from an AK-47 while sitting in his upper left chest pocket.
PS.> Happy Hyperglycemic Shock to all you Easter Egg lovers!!!
Kevin Garrad, a soldier serving in Iraq with the American 3rd Infantry Division, owes his life to his iPod after the the device stopped a round from an AK-47 while sitting in his upper left chest pocket.
While on patrol in Tikrit Garrad went around a corner only to be confronted with an armed insurgent. The two exchanged fire at point-blank range leaving the insurgent dead and Garrad unwounded but without music.
At short range a 7.62x39mm calibre bullet fired from an AK-47 would stand a good chance of penetrating standard-issue body armour. Adding to his luck it is reported that Apple may replace the damaged device.
At short range a 7.62x39mm calibre bullet fired from an AK-47 would stand a good chance of penetrating standard-issue body armour. Adding to his luck it is reported that Apple may replace the damaged device.
PS.> Happy Hyperglycemic Shock to all you Easter Egg lovers!!!
being dead or being alive without my ipod is quite a toss up, i tell ya.
The xGW, at 10/4/07 12:05
OMg - now that is a story of note! I love my iPod [hugs his iPod close... "You'l protect me won't you?"]
Phlippy, at 10/4/07 15:28
A bit like Willian Tell shooting the Apple??
Revolving Credit, at 10/4/07 16:42
I can just see Apple's new adverts...
sdfa sdfasdfadsf, at 11/4/07 08:52
Apparently, an Apple a day keeps the bullet away!
Revolving Credit, at 11/4/07 09:50
Thank godness for the person who invented the Ipod hey!!
Cazzie!!!, at 11/4/07 10:38
Wonder how many guys died cause they didn't here the insurgent cocking his gun cause they where blaring Britneys latest hits thru their IPOD. Hows about that stat then..
GoDsGiMp, at 12/4/07 11:38
Gimp: Wonder how many peeps got shot cause they didn't here them surrender?
Revolving Credit, at 12/4/07 11:56
I sometimes want to PUT a bullet in my ipod. How lucky was he!!
Steph, at 13/4/07 13:09
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