posted by Revolving Credit at 10:20 AM
Proud sponsors of The Nagina Monologues.
By kyknoord, at 9/11/07 15:09
- Honey, what's for dinner??- Ehm, Juicy curry?
By itelli, at 9/11/07 19:12
The second shop sounds a bit too fishy.
By Steph, at 11/11/07 11:42
Come on, sounds like a place to spice up your love life!
By Revolving Credit, at 12/11/07 00:30
Nagina. Is that like a negative vagina. One what cries a lot and doesn't see that the glass is, in fact, half full.
By Anonymous, at 13/11/07 17:56
What do you want to bet it's run by someone called Fanny.
By kyknoord, at 20/11/07 15:25
Oh, i wonder if they sell seafood tacos?
By Ms Smack, at 2/1/08 15:45
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If you can't laugh what's the point! If you don't know how , staple your lips to your ears. It kinda emulates a smile and sure gives the rest of us something to laugh @.
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Proud sponsors of The Nagina Monologues.
kyknoord, at 9/11/07 15:09
- Honey, what's for dinner??
- Ehm, Juicy curry?
itelli, at 9/11/07 19:12
The second shop sounds a bit too fishy.
Steph, at 11/11/07 11:42
Come on, sounds like a place to spice up your love life!
Revolving Credit, at 12/11/07 00:30
Nagina. Is that like a negative vagina. One what cries a lot and doesn't see that the glass is, in fact, half full.
Anonymous, at 13/11/07 17:56
What do you want to bet it's run by someone called Fanny.
kyknoord, at 20/11/07 15:25
Oh, i wonder if they sell seafood tacos?
Ms Smack, at 2/1/08 15:45
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