How to drive tuk dealers out of business!
We all know that tuk has become a major problem, with many a youth resorting to petty crime to finance this drug habit. The aim is to get these kids off the street and deny the tuk deakers their client base. Well it seems some bright spark has come up with the perfect solution.
Actually double wahahahahaha, from gone fisting post below.
Peas on Toast, at 5/9/06 13:56
When they mention the Pied Piper of Hamlen, I wonder what exactly he was sticking in his pipe to make all those kids follow him??
Revolving Credit, at 5/9/06 14:18
Dont buy from them.Those home brew kits are useless..seriously.
The Real Marbro, at 6/9/06 07:17
that a great idea!
The door-to-door Eskom agents are ruining this though. They change out incandescent lightbulbs for CFLs. Eskom pays them R1/old bulb they bring back, but i reckon they are going to tuk smokers and charging them R2/bulb.
it's a sellers market.
Anonymous, at 6/9/06 09:13
RM - The voice of experience? So which kit would you recommend?
OD - Do you think Eskom would swop out a 2-plate stove for a Meth kit?
Revolving Credit, at 6/9/06 10:20
Way to instill a work ethic - I know that's what I'll be getting my little cousins this Christmas!
Love your pics, don't know if you've heard of these guys, think you may like their stuff:
Choosy, at 6/9/06 11:48
Brilliant! And then if it's me making it from my own little kitchen, then it's all 'organic' surely!?
Champagne Heathen, at 6/9/06 11:57
Choosy, that the spirit, start a family business and remove the middle men from the equation.
Champns, not sure who's organ you're wanting to grab in the kitchen, but hey if you're drugged enough hey...go girl.
Revolving Credit, at 6/9/06 12:36
Rev, no organs in my kitchen. Only vegetables. Would it be too obvious & crass to say my fridge is filled with cucumbers, bananas and all?!
Champagne Heathen, at 7/9/06 12:39
Its probably not all thats been filled with cucumbers, bananas and all!!
Revolving Credit, at 7/9/06 16:10
I wish! Not a chance! Unless of course you were referring to my flatmate...?
Champagne Heathen, at 8/9/06 11:46
Bwahaha ... 'course my kids would be getting the Fisher Price Charlie Lab - high grade cocaine for your little darlings from the Northern Suburbs.
Anonymous, at 8/9/06 12:15
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