The Big Wheel

Friday, November 24, 2006

Dinner is served

I got tagged by Champs with the task of hosting a formal dinner at some top of a chimney stack restaurant that only seats 1 table of 10.
These are my dinner guests and the nomitated waiter and waitress are hereby tagged as well.

Guest list

Trevor Manual Minister of Finance
Madeleine Albright Ex-US Secretary of State
Lawrence Fishburne Actor
Chelsea Handler Comedian
Tom Clancy Author
Sarah Jessica Parker Actress
David Coulthard F1 Racing Driver
Alanis Morissette Singer / Song Writer
Gordon Sumner Singer / Song Writer
Nigella Lawson Chef / Author / Journalist


Other Duke

PS. I cheated a bit with the staff. As the venue is in London, I've determined that Kate is already there and OD is heading there on his own steam, so I don't have to pay for anyones travel. Now that's called being cheap

If your don't know who any of the people are Google it or buy a TV and watch the news.

I will get Harry to post his list as soon as I see him. I think he's off at the Golf Course diving golf balls out of the water hazard.


  • Love it Revvie :)

    Would you and Nigella be talking kinky food I wonder? ;)

    By Blogger Peas on Toast, at 24/11/06 15:51  

  • Pesa, the woman knows how to eat with her hands, not just pick at the food.

    By Blogger Revolving Credit, at 24/11/06 15:53  

  • I like your line up, although I would swap Chelsea Handler for Pablo Fransisco. Also a comedian!

    By Blogger Insane Insomniac, at 24/11/06 15:57  

  • interesting choices rev. i would never think of Lawrence Fishburne or Madeleine Albright for one.

    By Blogger ChewTheCud, at 24/11/06 15:59  

  • Insane, I did try and even the him-to-her numbers so no-one feels like a spare wheel at the table.

    But point duly noted - I love his Hispanic Inpressions.

    By Blogger Revolving Credit, at 24/11/06 16:00  

  • Chews, just intereting people.
    She must be one of the most understated political players in the 10-15 year.

    And hey he is Morpheus.
    He believes in the ONE.

    By Blogger Revolving Credit, at 24/11/06 16:03  

  • hold on there rev boy - he believes NEO is the one. it must be friday, and harry is messing with your keyboard though, cos the rev i know wouldn't make a mistake like that ;)

    By Blogger ChewTheCud, at 24/11/06 16:07  

  • Human Rights commission vs. Afrikaner Weerstandsbeweging? its on!

    By Blogger ChewTheCud, at 24/11/06 16:08  

  • fucking tabbed browsing - that must have been tom just now ;)

    By Blogger ChewTheCud, at 24/11/06 16:09  

  • Chewy, correction. NEO is the one & MORPHEUS believes in the ONE.

    By Blogger Revolving Credit, at 24/11/06 16:12  

  • Thanx Dave

    By Blogger Revolving Credit, at 24/11/06 16:36  

  • hey i could always do with a waitressing job as i kick around good ol' london town! i'll be on call...

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 24/11/06 16:44  

  • GW - I appoint you wine steward/stewardess/stewardtron , wharever they're called.

    By Blogger Revolving Credit, at 24/11/06 16:52  

  • Interesting choices. I'd stack my table full of hot, straight, men. Yep, I'm a flake. :P

    By Blogger Steph, at 26/11/06 04:54  

  • I believe it Sommelier is the word you're looking for. And i graciously accept with delight. Hope your guests don't mind if i just sit in the back and get pissed on a nice bottle of Meerlust?

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 26/11/06 17:31  

  • Aah, thanks for the list. Excellent choices - not a single choice there of someone I'd throw off the chimney stack!

    Why would you choose the dear Sarah JP???

    And massive apologies for my delayed reading. Friday afternoon = work time in the office = no internet working for distraction.

    I fear Harry's list, but still wait for it eagerly...

    By Blogger Champagne Heathen, at 27/11/06 12:15  

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