posted by Revolving Credit at 11:56 AM
If only all the girls thought like that ;)
By ChewTheCud, at 3/5/07 12:32
Poor kid.
By Anonymous, at 3/5/07 15:25
i once photoshopped this gem to read 'in client service'. they're just like strippers really. only possibly more dof
By Anonymous, at 3/5/07 16:01
Gran, does that mean that I should be able to convince client service representatives to take their clothes of???Now theres a challenge!
By Revolving Credit, at 3/5/07 16:18
absolutely.but be sure to throw money at them.
By Anonymous, at 3/5/07 18:27
Lovely Rev.Methinks that someone like Maurice should resort to stripping too.
By Anonymous, at 4/5/07 12:33
Haaaahahaha! You crack me up.
By Steph, at 5/5/07 07:08
But srsly, I've met some very smart strippers.
By nosta, at 5/5/07 18:10
But late on this one, but I love it so...Rev, the only thing is that I am troubled by your title to the post....why has it gone Wrong?!?!
By Champagne Heathen, at 9/5/07 14:08
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If you can't laugh what's the point! If you don't know how , staple your lips to your ears. It kinda emulates a smile and sure gives the rest of us something to laugh @.
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If only all the girls thought like that ;)
ChewTheCud, at 3/5/07 12:32
Poor kid.
Anonymous, at 3/5/07 15:25
i once photoshopped this gem to read 'in client service'. they're just like strippers really. only possibly more dof
Anonymous, at 3/5/07 16:01
Gran, does that mean that I should be able to convince client service representatives to take their clothes of???
Now theres a challenge!
Revolving Credit, at 3/5/07 16:18
but be sure to throw money at them.
Anonymous, at 3/5/07 18:27
Lovely Rev.
Methinks that someone like Maurice should resort to stripping too.
Anonymous, at 4/5/07 12:33
Haaaahahaha! You crack me up.
Steph, at 5/5/07 07:08
But srsly, I've met some very smart strippers.
nosta, at 5/5/07 18:10
But late on this one, but I love it so...
Rev, the only thing is that I am troubled by your title to the post....why has it gone Wrong?!?!
Champagne Heathen, at 9/5/07 14:08
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