posted by Revolving Credit at 12:58 PM
bwahahaha! I knew it! I just knew it! :)
By Katie Possum, at 30/11/06 13:25
Damn that India! Always 1 step ahead of us in technology!
By Champagne Heathen, at 30/11/06 15:38
Bonus is, wroking this way, you could actually work from the beach or the pub...makes you think, doesn't it.
By Revolving Credit, at 30/11/06 16:29
Rev, isn't that how you work already?!?
By Champagne Heathen, at 30/11/06 16:35
I'm far too lazy to pedal my way thru the day though.
By Revolving Credit, at 30/11/06 16:52
Can you please yelp me, i just installed a copy of Microsoft Works... and it doesn't
By Dan Lurie, at 1/12/06 11:22
Yes, Rev, that's cause you're a Cape Townian! ;)
By Champagne Heathen, at 1/12/06 11:30
Whahahaha...that's so funny. Atleast he has open air on his side. We just get cubicle's...go figure.
By Drizel, at 1/12/06 13:50
Proof at last! People who call you paranoid are part of the conspiracy.
By Anonymous, at 1/12/06 14:30
I'm LOVING the headshot of Bill Gates sticking out of the bag. sure adds a whoooole lotta authenticity there.
By Anonymous, at 1/12/06 19:34
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If you can't laugh what's the point! If you don't know how , staple your lips to your ears. It kinda emulates a smile and sure gives the rest of us something to laugh @.
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bwahahaha! I knew it! I just knew it! :)
Katie Possum, at 30/11/06 13:25
Damn that India! Always 1 step ahead of us in technology!
Champagne Heathen, at 30/11/06 15:38
Bonus is, wroking this way, you could actually work from the beach or the pub...makes you think, doesn't it.
Revolving Credit, at 30/11/06 16:29
Rev, isn't that how you work already?!?
Champagne Heathen, at 30/11/06 16:35
I'm far too lazy to pedal my way thru the day though.
Revolving Credit, at 30/11/06 16:52
Can you please yelp me, i just installed a copy of Microsoft Works... and it doesn't
Dan Lurie, at 1/12/06 11:22
Yes, Rev, that's cause you're a Cape Townian! ;)
Champagne Heathen, at 1/12/06 11:30
Whahahaha...that's so funny. Atleast he has open air on his side. We just get cubicle's...go figure.
Drizel, at 1/12/06 13:50
Proof at last! People who call you paranoid are part of the conspiracy.
Anonymous, at 1/12/06 14:30
I'm LOVING the headshot of Bill Gates sticking out of the bag. sure adds a whoooole lotta authenticity there.
Anonymous, at 1/12/06 19:34
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